Principal Account Migration to Enhanced eFile System

I’m ready --  I want to move all my Employee Navigator accounts to the enhanced eFile process for improved accuracy and faster processing.  I’ve updated the necessary data for all of my Employee Navigator accounts with Principal.  

* Required

Requester's Information
  • I have an eService account to view transaction history and see employee transactions. 
  • All benefit elections are on the file – contributory, non-contributory and voluntary. 
Read Carefully!

I recognize the following items need to be completed for the move to take place. If these steps have not been completed, the migration will not be successful:  


  • Include effective dates for coverages and salaries  
  • Update signature dates to ensure benefit and coverage accuracy 


  • Annual Benefit Salary field updated with salary information when needed 
  • Salary information accurate for all members (salary maintenance can no longer be done outside of the file) 
  • Benefit salaries must be current in accordance with contracted definition of earnings and have timely updates to avoid retroactive billing adjustments  

Employee Navigator: 

  • If Employee Navigator is unable to accurately include certain members or coverages, they are left off the file and maintained on Principal eService.   
  • Ineligible dependents will be terminated on the Employee Navigator system to ensure the appropriate termination date is on the file.